
Client relationships

Editor's picks
What are things to avoid on your first freelancing project?
One benefit of being a freelancer is choosing what jobs you want to work on. Learn what to avoid when choosing a freelancing project here.
10 steadfast rules for managing freelance client expectations
Successfully managing client expectations is easier said than done. We're here to help with these 10 steadfast rules to ensure a happy client.
Why are some freelance clients so difficult to deal with?
You're bound to come across difficult clients but there are steps you can take to limit difficulties and protect your relationships and reputation.
anthony sills
Anthony Sills
New freelance client? Do these 5 things right away
Starting a new freelance client engagement can be exciting as well as a little confusing. It helps to know exactly what you should do immediately after accepting the project.
anthony sills
Anthony Sills
Turning your gig into a business: How to collaborate with other freelancers
Want to turn your side gig into a real business? Make sure you keep reading the guide below to learn how to collaborate with other freelancers.
How freelancers balance workload and clients effectively
One skill every freelancer needs to develop is how to balance workload and clients effectively and not fall into the trap of taking on too much work.
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